Day 2,127, 07:58 Published in Australia Australia by Brennan Shields

The polls votes have arrived.

I Brennan Shields, have been elected by the people of the Knight Hawk Military Council to be their leader.

I promise to all of you, that I will not fail you, I will be open, and I will try my best to keep this party afoat.

I will say a little about me, I am a player who came around Erepublik on the 17th of April, with little knownledge, a man told me to join a MU and a party. Which I did I first joined a party known to what I believe is still the APP. The MU I joined on the very first day, the Hawks. The greatest MU around, I fought in many wars in the name of The Hawks. Many battles were won, many which I was crowned as a battle hero. I kept fighting for the Hawks, and aligning my political views with the APP till one day Scotty contacted me asking me to serve in a new Party the KHMC (Knight Hawk Military Council) which I did in a matter of seconds, a few weeks later I was annouced a congressman by them and another few weeks past which I then became the 2nd in Charge of it.

Now I am the President of the greatest party in Australia the KHMC.

I wish to thank you all that have helped me reach to this level, an hope to keep going on mmy path to greatness.

KHMC President signing out.


Disclaimer: This article has not been proof read.