Victorious salute, comrades!

Day 1,021, 07:31 Published in Czech Republic Israel by Aldameldo

A song that matches the article:

Aldameldo addressing the czech people

Dear citizens of the Czech Socialist Republic.
We salute you! In the last elections you expressed your trust to the socialist government. You trusted us with your hope, the hope for a better, communist country!

Thank you! Thank you!

We feel honoured by your decision, czech people! We feel honoured and promise we won't fail you!

I wish our new elected President best of luck!

But I also want to tell you that Belgium and Italy have also communist governments! Let us become allies! Let us create a new Warsaw Pact in erepublik!

We can have a new Solidarity Pact between communist countries. Think of it!

There is a new day for Socialism and Communism in our country! I propose Utku's government to declare Czech Socialist Republic and Dictatorship of the Proletariat!

So now let's all celebrate, but keep an eye for fascists, they are lurking everywhere!


Comrade Aldameldo