Vice Presidential Talk-back #2

Day 1,278, 15:18 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Oboacer

Hello my fellow Kiwis. Alot has happened these past few weeks and we in the eNZ government are working tirelessly to ensure that our nation remains steadfast during these times.

I realize that it has been some time since I released a VP Talk-back but considering the events which arose, I have been rather occupied. However, that is no excuse so I'm pleased to announce the second edition of NZ VP Talk-back.

Over the past few day eNZ has the been the victim of an unprovoked war of aggression brought about by Argentina. Our nations soldiers stood proud during these trying times and on behalf of the eNZ government, I wanted to say thank you.

These past few days have witnessed an unprecedented mobilization of the eNZ population as we have united to defend our lands. It was with great pride that our nation repelled these Argentine and Chilean invaders and showed to Terra and EDEN that our nation refuses to be bullied around. The words Remember Otago have since been etched into the lexicon of eNZ.

I can tell the citizens of our nation that diplomatic talks are under way to bring about a peaceful resolution to this issue. Our Ministers have held talks with Chilean and Argentine counter-parts in hopes of reaching a peaceful end. Continue to read the news as we update this topic.

Our nation was also extremely fortunate to have such devoted and dedicated allies during these trying times. Which is why on behalf of the eNZ government, I wanted to say thank you to our allies. The citizens of eNZ recognize how truly lucky we are to have friends like you.

I have included a list of our current allies to show the citizens who these allies are;

Sweden-MPP pending

I realize that many of these nations are affiliated with ONE but please know that our government remains committed to eNZ's policy of neutrality. If eNZ is to join a formal alliance, it will be left to the Congress elected on May 25 to decide that choice.

In regards to economics, the government adopted a War Economy program and had many citizens join companies officially with ties to the NZDF. This helped to deflate wages (as they tend to pay less) but it was needed to aid the military effort.

The government and Congress passed some major financial bills to ensure that our money remained secure and that eNZ had accounts properly functioning. For the sake of accountability I will outline how much money we have in the treasury. At present NZ has $4,632.96 NZD in its account.

Congress also passed two bills that moved 76 Gold, to the Central Bank and it transferred $40,000 NZD from the country accounts to the Central Bank.

All these measures were done to ensure that we had control over our money, notably in the event of an Argentine/Chile take-over of our nation.

Finally, Congressional elections are also coming soon to our great nation. This will be a chance for citizens to flex their political muscle and let our government know how they feel we are performing.

The parties are already preparing to field candidates and in the spirit of wartime cooperation, are in talks to present a Unity Slate to the electorate. These talks are still ongoing and subject to change, so I will keep the nation alert.

I would encourage all citizens to join a political party and take part in the political process of our great nation.

So in closing, I wanted to say that it has been a very trying time for our young nation. We faced the greatest challenge to ever step foot on our shores and showed the world why we are Proud to be Kiwis!

Countless numbers of citizens stepped up to the cause of defending our nation and even as our forces now march in South America, aiding in the restoration of Peru and in finally creating a secure boarder. We must remember the cry they yell on the battle field, Remember Otago.

I wish everyone well during these times.

NZ Vice President