Vice Presidential Interview #2: Moishe

Day 408, 07:40 Published in USA USA by John Wycliffe

The last interview will be posted this evening. Remember to vote and subscribe!

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What are your primary goals in election for the Vice Presidency of the United States and what, specifically, will you do to achieve these results?

While I am only the Vice-presidential candidate and, in eRepublik, that is typically nothing more than an honorarium I hope to help the country accomplish three primary objectives:

1) Ease the transition of new Citizens into the job market and into activity in the eUSA. I believe they are our best resource in anything we attempt;
2) Help improve our economical situation by working with Congress to adjust tariffs and taxes to facilitate lower prices while increasing product sales.
3) Improve the stability and response times of our military along with training them as to how to fight and still maintain adequate wellness to perform their job duties.

What are your views on the current war with France and the war between Romania and Russia? Furthermore, what are your views on the position of the USA in Atlantis?

I am convinced that the eUSA has had all the war it needs for a while. Perhaps through the end of the January term. While the war has helped the economy in some areas in has hurt in others. We need to work on infrastructure (getting new Citizens acclimated and economical security.)

Re the Romanian/Russian conflict: I think such things will work itself out in the long run without eUSA interference. Ultimately that war will cost Romania quit a bit to continue and maintain. The Russians are not going to be loyal citizens.

Concerning Atlantis: It is difficult for any nation to “go it alone”. Working with allies is always profitable so long as we restrain ourselves on commitments re MPPs. That will be an area for in line with the President’s job than mine.

What are your views about your opponents? If you would be able to work closely with one in administrative manners, who would it be, and why?

I have no problems with any of my opponents. I would be able to work with any of them as I am convinced that each only has the best in mind for the eUSA.

What are your long-term economic goals for the United States and how will you work to achieve them in the short term and the long term?

Getting new Citizens active in the workforce perhaps by creating employer incentives to hire more low skill people at a living wage level.

Can you name any very specific things that you are positive that you can accomplish in your first term as Vice President of the United States?

Set up a program to actively contact new Citizens on a personal level; get them some friends and gifting partners so that they do not feel alone in this strange, new world.