Vice Presidential Debate: Michael Collins & Eamon_de Velera

Day 500, 16:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

Here follows a transcript of the Vice-Presidential Candidates debate. Held on the floor of Dáil Éireann before a salivating audient. Theus Jackus convened and moderated. Questions were addressed to Theus privately and asked to the candidates in alternating order.

23:31 The Debate Begins

First Question: What is you're stance on the economy?

Collins, You may answer first

um, that's pretty general, give me a minute

Anytime now

My stance is how I've been running running the economy for the past month and before, continuing to use the State companies to train newbies and direct them into sectors me want. Taxes are at fine levels right now, but I would like to see an income tax placed on raw materials. I will continue to have the value of the IEP pegged within the 90-100 IEP per gold range

idk what else

Just say finished when you're done answering

Ok that'll do

Eamon you may answer
Indicate when you're finished

Unlike some may think, I believe we should keep state-owned companies. Our government has spent too much money on these to allow them to fail.

However, I do think we should take the time to reform the wage structure and create a structure of laws that ensure the government staying out of certain sectors, most importantly the food sector.

To accommodate more workers I think State Gifts should be reopen (to fund the health system and to create gift reserves for our defense). I also believe we should not raise any new taxes. We have climbed our way out of a food crisis and I see no need to change things in the tax arena.

That is all Theus.

Ok, I will now allow for questions from the audience
PM me to ask (In the IRC not in eRep) It happened before

Alrighty then

Question 2: What is you're stance on Northern Ireland?

I believe that Northern Ireland will never become a part of a united Ireland. Realistically, we can't expect the eUK to split with a region rich in oil and one that has a Q5 hospital. I feel we have a duty to ensure that all groups within the eNI have voice within regional politics. As my running mate has shown, he and I believe that we should never use military force in consideration of eNI.

No matter how small the voice, we should ensure that if there is a nationalistic group of eNI citizens, we must aid them in getting a fair and equal voice within the eNI politics. If one doesn't exist, we should still work together with the eUK to ensure that all sides are heard in eNI.


Collins? What is you're stance on Northern Ireland?

NI is a sovereign territory of the eUK, and it would be inappropriate for any part of the government of Ireland to interfere with that

if the citizens of NI wanted to merge with Ireland, I would support them, but that is very very unlikely.

Otherwise the issue does not need to be raised or discussed by the government at all


Question 3: What would be you're stance on a training war would a bordering nation?, Collins.

A training war with a bordering nation is an excellent idea and I will fully pursue this

having an open war with one of our neighbours will enable us to start battles whenever we want, with no danger of territory exchange with the use of a contract and the retreat button

enabling every Irish citizen to fight without moving, is much much more effective that trying to organize dozens of people with moving tickets

Finally, it would give Irish citizens a chance to fight, gain experience, and raise their wellness, without waiting for these non-existant "peace-keeping" missons that the opposition is so fond of, yet have not materialized for months



Honestly, if it were a training war and all sides saw it as such, I think it is a good idea. As we get new citizens into our nation we see that they want to have some action. Hopefully, as long as we keep our neutrality in tack, "war games" are the only type of war action most eIrish citizens will see short of an invasion. And as my esteemed opponent has stated, it is much more cost efficient to have a "war game" with a neighbouring country than to send IDF Rangers to Israel.

But whether the opposition would like to admit it or not, most people in eIreland would agree that my running mate has done a lot for the IDF and its organisation.

We have about 1,200 weapon units in reserve...that is just information I've been given by the MoD and we could ration those out accordingly.


Question 4: Many people believe the second name in the ticket is obsolete, how do you feel you can contribute to the Irish people, Eamon.

I think I can contribute by bringing about an accountable administration. I am not my running nor do I think the same way he does. I think I can continue asking questions and keep my root beliefs in place, above all else I have kept the people of eNorthwest in my mind.

I feel that above all else, I can bring some new ideas to the table and a belief that equality is the best form of action and the easiest path to success.


Collins, what do you feel you can contribute?

I feel I can contribute by acting as an advisor to Top Gun, using my wealth of experience in administrating the country.

Finished, I guess

May I say something to that effect?


It is no secret that Collins is the most capable leader here in eIreland. And in no way, shape, or form would I ever be able to amount to his accomplishments here in this nation. So I only ask that people look past the people and look at the issues. Because in a debate concerning just the names, Collins wins hands down.

Thank you.

Ok this quick question from the Aran Tal.

Do you believe that government should be helping the citizenship, or staying out of their way and why? Collins.

citizenship, as in, the ordinary person?

I think thats what he was refering to

Yes, I believe the government should take an active role in the lives of the citizens
The State companies, for example, provide newbies with good wages, and produce products that can be distributed.
Whether that be weapons for the army, houses, or hospitals for the regions.
Through pursuing war games, the government can make the daily experience more interesting for the average citizen, by enabling them to take part in the military aspect of the game.
I don't think that a laissez-faire government would be very "fun"



I take my beliefs from my own experiences, I have never used a government handout and have never been employed by the government in a state-owned company. However, I am making a sizable income and at 97 health. This nation needs its government to provide equality to its people, but we in the government must understand that the government must work for the people not the other way around.

I believe that in some instances, the government can have an active role in the lives of its people. For instance, the IDF would be chaotic if it weren't for government supervision. And yes as I've said before, limited state-owned companies provide a vital resources for new citizens.

thank you.

You can all speak now
Ask open questions and what not

Aran, question for you, who shot JR?

It was ME!

StarksHayter gasps

00:12 The debate ends. Both candidates and the moderator consent to publishing.