Vets Gifting Program for the eUSA Marines and Army

Day 356, 18:12 Published in USA Croatia by logomaster304

Vets Gifting Program for the eUSA Marines and Army

If you are in the eUSA Army or Marines and have fought in the Australlian - Indonessian Resistance War and if you need some gifts to bring your wellness up then the eUSA has you covered.

Please contact baus88 and then tell him your username, Wellness and Position in the eUSA Army or Marines

John Smith
25 Wellness
Squad Leader - Squad 10, Platoon 2
eUSA Army

and then he will add you to a list where you will automatically be gifted everyday until you reach 60 wellness, after that you should be able to manage yourself.

Please do not missuse this program and do not cheat.
and we appreciate everyone who fought in the War. Great Work!

Thank You,
Quartermaster General