Version 1.0

Day 330, 01:26 Published in Norway Finland by Simppa

So, it's finally here. After a long wait we see a new sunrise in form of eRepublik V1. And what we get?
First it seems as a completely new game with a new (blue!) interface and a bunch of new features. After some investigating you find out that it's still the good old eRepublik. Like every new game it's buggy and slow in the beginning because of the huge crowd rush. Today, a day after the launch, Day 2 of the new New World (which doesn't exist anymore, I guess, since I can't seem to find the day count anymore) the game works smoothly. Some bugs are still here, for instance the Wiki doesn't seem to work at all. But you can't really expect the staff to fix everything in a blink of the eye. It takes its time.
The new features. Raw materials are a nice addition to the manufacturing business. It adds depth to the market and creates a bunch of new jobs. I personally like these trivia-questions which you get when you train or work. It's a nice add too. But as a non-native English speaker I can't always even read the question in 20 sec. It's too short time. But making it longer would create a chance of cheating. Third new feature I've noticed is that almost every change in a company or newspaper takes 2 gold. As an average citizen I really can't afford that.
There has been a huge amount of complaining about V1 and its new features. But after all, I like this.