Venezuela is Screwed

Day 739, 20:06 Published in Canada Canada by Ace_Blazer">

Notice the minimum wage. Yep, 999 VEB. Apparently their congress has been taken over by some 4/7/888chan(?) people who are raising a bunch of stuff including income tax to "give money to the people" under a lulz doctrine of some sort. Among other things mentioned by these people that joined about a month ago are "Hugo Chavez", and taking money from the "ruling elite" which sounds a lot like a communist plot to make all wages equal. The funny thing is that company owners can't possibly pay these salaries because they can't charge above 999 VEB for their products. I can't see Venezuela surviving anytime in the future as the native population is starting to move out already, and it's possible that the ALA is already gearing up for an attack. Venezuela might turn into the next Peru.

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