Day 1,637, 08:25 Published in South Africa Australia by NoRealityLife

The issue of the VAT has been brought up a lot lately, and I wanted to address this head-on.

The Current Value Added Tax (VAT) is set at 20%, which is very high and makes people question it. The VAT was setup like this a month ago in order to help eSA as a country.

South Africa has no economy, and it can't and won't as global overproduction is so prevalent and there is a need for a Bot.

For those of you who don't know what "The Bot" is, it's the magical monster that buys your goods listed on the market at or less than a set price.

The Bot buys Q5 Weapons at a price of 21.60 ZAR.
-The bot will buy your weapons (Not all at once) listed at or less than 21.60 ZAR at the 51st minute of each hour.

The Bot does NOT factor in up to a 20% VAT added on to that initial list price. Which leads to the Current pricing system.

So a Q5 Weapon Price can now go up to 25.90 and still the BOT will buy it.

Here's a simple Pricing Structure of Q5 Weapons:
Brazil Market Price: 21.44 ZAR
South Africa Bot Price: 21.60 ZAR
South Africa Bot Price with 5% VAT: 22.68
South Africa Bot Price with 20% VAT: 25.90

Even with a 5% VAT we are still over 1 ZAR more in our market and not worth buying.

Even with a VAT of 0 we are still more expensive than Countries like eUSA, Brazil, FYROM, etc, by putting our goods on the market at a lower price doesn't prevent the Bot from buying them.

As long as there is a bot, we have no economy, thus making it that much more important to keep the VAT high and get players to buy and sell to the bot.

Do Not Lower the VAT