Varlosh | Together... For a Greater Egypt!

Day 1,229, 02:55 Published in Egypt Egypt by Varlosh

People of eEgypt...

...Workers of our land...

...Soldiers of our nation!

It is time to shape our destiny, our future!

I have a vision for Egypt, a vision so great that it is only achievable if we place a lot of hard work and dedication into achieving it.

However, I believe that together, WE CAN - and will make this into a great nation, a nation worthy of respect, and fear.

So before I ask you to join me on this long voyage, I hope you consider my targets hopes and plans for our great nations -- and my apologies, but this article isn't nearly as good as the one I wrote yesterday before erepublik messed it up :/

Without further ado, here we go:

-Social Aims:

First of all, if you haven't already, check out my article on Social Aims HERE!!

This is quite in depth and is part of The Egyptian People's Party manifesto, so be sure to check it out.

In short, I intend to achieve nothing less than a babyboom. I will be working with the government closely to find and implement ways to achieve this babyboom, for after all, a nation without people is no nation and at the moment that is a huge issue we must address. I want to particularly focus on recruiting fellow RL Arabs - especially Egyptians - as no one will love eEgypt as much as them.

Something which has been pointed out is that new players who join mostly get lost and are lead to quitting. Well, why not counter that at the source?

We cannot make the game more beginner friendly, but what we CAN do is form a Ministry of Education, with the sole purpose of guiding new players and producing educational articles.

With babies this cool we have no problem dominating?!

-Military Aims:

I have always believed that no country can be respected without a strong army, and I want to see a complete rehaul of our currently inefficient and inactive Armed Forces. I will be working with the MoD and his team very closely to see that this is achieved and that we can finally have an Army which is ready for battle.
At the moment the role of our army has been diminished down to a couple of people funding food and weapons for our citizens to fight - this cannot go on.

Also, the number of companies owned by the country with the purpose of supplying the armed forces is pitiful, and I plan to expand this quickly as one of my first aims.

This is expanded upon in my economical aims below.

Another crucial point which must be considered is our occupied regions. Egypt is only Egypt if it is whole, and I will work tirelessly to return them to us. Long Live a United Egypt!

This demonstrates around how well equipped our army is at the moment...

-Economical Aims:

Our economy in this day and age is very weak; there is no doubt about it. And although it is actually slowly improving, it is nowhere near the rate at which I aim to achieve.
An indication of this is the price of Gold compared to EGP, which is a direct reflection of the economical strength.

So how will we strengthen this economy?

Well, as mentioned earlier, our Armed Forces need companies running to supply them. Well, these companies can be used to provide good, reliable jobs for regular citizens as well as soldiers and at the same time producing both raw resources - Grain and Iron, and Products: Food and weapons. These can then be partly supplied to our army as needed, partly stored for a rainy day and the remainder can be sold. This will provide for a strong national economy as well as for a strong national army.

I will constantly work with the Ministry of Finance to find ways to improve the economy.

The army will make money, and money will make paper guns?

-Foreign Affairs:

I left this till last because it is probably the most difficult and complex formula to get right, but if done properly, could lead our nation to an era of strength and prosperity. For this reason, I don't want to dive head first into a reckless and stupid decision about joining an alliance, for that reason I will leave all options open before us. However, I vow that any such decision if made, the whole nation will be informed and made aware. There are a few options before us, but I am aware how short the time we have is, so the Government will be working particularly hard on finding the best solution.

I understand the need for wars too, for, after all, this is a game. And for that reason, I will try to work doubly hard on having some training wars if all else fails, however I doubt we will need to resort to that.

As regarding Arab Affairs, we are in a difficult situation. UAE isn't even properly an Arab country at the moment, and Saudi Arabia is hardly a country at all. However, me being an Arab and an Egyptian in real, I will try to work with our neighbors for the greater good of all of us, to achieve prosperity in the region. I will certainly have no intention of back stabbing nor betraying any of them.

I pwn all three experiance wise?

There will be no Ministry announcements until after the election (if I win) so don't expect one, although I am starting to draw a rough plan of who will fill where.

The proposed ministries at the moment are as follows:
-Foreign Affairs

I ask you all to read through my article and consider each point carefully. I believe the time has come for this country to bloom, to start proving itself to the world, and together I believe we can achieve this!

I wish to hear all criticisms and/or feedback which you may have, just drop a note in the comments below or send me a message on irc. I am usually on there in the following channels: #eEgypt and #eArabia.

Link for the irc is here!

I will leave you with this quote:

"There's a saying in the Orient: “Loyalty to the end....It means devoting yourself to your country. As long as we have "loyalty to the end," there's no point in believing in anything... even in those we love."

Tahya Gomhorey Misr El Arabia!
تحيا جمهورية مصر العربية
Long Live Egypt!

Together... For a Greater Egypt!