V2-preparations #4 - General Manager

Day 900, 05:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew

This article will be dedicated to citizens aiming to become General Managers in V2. I will give you my thoughts on which industries will be profitable; however, I noticed that most industries will be profitable in V2 so I'll also give some insight on how to spend your customization-points (CP) to make your product successful. To not make this article way too long, I decided not to include all speculations. If you have any question or want to know what reasons I’ve considered, feel free to ask.

We have all noticed how food-prices have gone up lately, this started when the new hospital-rule made it pretty much mandatory for everyone to buy high-q food. When V2 comes the price will rise even further, this is due to the removal of gifts (resulting in food and houses being the only way to “buy” cheap wellness) and the implementation of happiness (resulting in food having bigger importance than before).
The safest way to spend your CP is to split it in half between health and happiness. I can only assume that health and happiness will be equally needed, so products with a 50/50 split will sell a lot. If you wish to gamble you can choose to put everything on either health or happiness. Citizens will some days have to recover much more of one of them, and with very few companies selling those products you can put a high price. Though, there is a risk you won't get your products sold.

For the same reasons I've presented above, houses will also gain in price. The implementation of duration will also push the price up, as people will have to buy a new house more frequently.
In housing I strongly suggest to spend your CP equally on all attributes; health, happiness and duration. You should make small changes to make your product special, but splitting 50/50 between health and duration for example will make your product very hard to sell. A gamble would be to put almost no duration at all, citizens who don't have to worry about spending money will want these houses to gain as much health and happiness as possible. I don't recommend this, though, so consider carefully before doing so. I would first talk to some really rich players and see if they would be interested before getting in to it.

Moving Tickets
This is an industry which I have high hopes for. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is an industry which practically has no high-q companies, but will be in need of a huge amount of high-q products when V2 is launched. A Q1-ticket will no longer take you anywhere in the world, you'll have to use at least Q3/4 to reach anywhere you want.
I recommend putting all CP on travel distance. Right now people don't care about the wellness-loss/gain from MTs; I doubt they will care about the health/happiness-loss/gain in V2. The price they have to pay for a higher-q MT will not make up for the health/happiness-gain. A gamble would be to put all CP on health. Depending on how much health-gain that would result in and what the cost of production will be there is a chance that they can work as the new wellness-packs. However, I would not recommend doing so until we know the market.

Hospitals/Defense Systems
These are industries which certainly will become interesting for investors. Right now new hospitals/DSs are only purchased when they are destroyed (happens when a region with these structures gets conquered). In V2 they will have to be purchased regularly as the old ones will only last for a certain time. They will also be purchased in a larger quantity as they will be needed in every region under threat of invasion.
I would recommend putting 20-30% of the CP on duration, no country wants/can afford to buy structures with low duration. When it comes to AoE and effect pretty much all sorts of products will be purchased. However, the effect should be at least 40% of the CP and the most popular structures will probably have a distribution of 30/50/20 (duration/effect/AoE).

I would not recommend starting a weapon-company. It's the only industry where current supply is higher than the future demand. This will result in prices dropping, which will make this industry unprofitable, or at least only give low profit. If you already own a weapon-company you should read the next column for information on how to spend your CP.

These industries will have a lot of companies competing to sell their products. In the start the profit will be big, due to high demand but no supply. But with time too many investors will start companies in these sectors. This will result in high competition and lower prices. It will still be a rather profitable industry, but nowhere near the profit it made in the beginning.
For low-q products I recommend to put almost no CP in duration, it will take too much from the other attributes and make the products useless. With high-q products, however, putting 10-20% of the CP on duration will have big effect on the number of times the product can be used but only small effect on the other attributes. Whichever quality you sell I recommend the distribution of CP to be something like this: 20/40/40 (damage/accuracy/defense, duration is not included).

Any question for the Q&A-article is welcome in the comment-section. The next issue will be published within three days. If you want to make sure you don't miss it you should subscribe and if you want to make sure others also find out about this, please vote so it reaches top5.

Thank you for your time.