V2 in Summation (so far)

Day 876, 09:19 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

This article is merely a summarization of all the eRepublik Insiders the Admins have been releasing, mostly for the newer citizens who may not have read them. If you've read the Admin's articles, you might not learn anything new from this one. But a vote would be appreciated, to help all the other, newer players see this as well.

Yes, it's long. But it's nicely formatted, so just skip to the parts you're interested in.

http://www.lolcatpics.com/images/worldchanging.jpg" alt="obrazek" title="But this change seems so enticing!" width="200">
V2 brings much change, so we have to all know about it...

V2 in Summation (so far)

Time Management

There will be 24 hours where you can choose what you want your citizen to do. Your citizen's whole day can be planned out at once, in only a few minutes.

There will be four "places" that you can go to within these 24 hours: Company, Library, Training Grounds, and Entertainment District. There more time you spend in one of these areas, the bigger the benefit you get from it. You can spend a maximum of 12 hours in any one area each day.

Same as current Company. But Wellness and Happiness both decrease when you work, and your profession skill increase will depend on your productivity (ie. the more productive you are, the faster it'll increase).

The library allows your citizen to study. Studying improves a profession skill of your choice, and decreases your Happiness.

Entertainment District:
Similar to Lana and strength, the Entertainment District lets you trade your Gold to increase your citizen's Happniness.

Training Grounds:
Similar to the Library. Training Grounds lets you improve a military skill (rifle, artilley, tank, helicopter) of your choice.


Companies will require it's employees to work together to create products. A company will need several different types of workers (each with different professions) to create products.

New Professions:

Producer: makes ingredients for food, and paper for travel tickets
Marketing Manager: designs packaging for food and travel tickets
Carpenter: build roofs for houses and hospitals
Architect: design layouts for houses and defense systems
Project Manager: establishes itineraries for travel tickets, plans logistics for hospitals, and creates project plans for defense systems
Builder: build walls for houses, hospitals, and defense systems
Engineer: produces barrels for rifles, artillery, tanks, and helicopters
Mechanic: forge the frame for rifles, artilley, tanks, and helicopters
Fitter: creates the body for rifles, artillery, tanks, and helicopters
Technician: creates ammunition for rifles, artillery, tanks, and helicopters
Raw Material Worker: same as current raw material workers

http://blogs.cornell.edu/jenna/files/2008/04/lolcat-job.jpg" alt="obrazek" title="I need better pictures, I know 🙁" width="225">
If only it were that easy...


Food will have two components; ingredients and packaging. Ingredients will affect the Wellness bonus of the food, while the packaging affects the Happiness bonus.

Travel Ticket:
Travel Tickets will have three components; paper, packaging, and itinerary. Paper affects a Wellness bonus, packaging affects a Happiness bonus, and itinerary defines the moving distance of the ticket.

Houses will have three components: roof, layout, and walls. Roof affects the Wellness bonus, layout affects the Happiness bonus, and walls affect the durability (days of usage) of the house.

Hospitals will have three components: roof, walls, and logistics. Roof affects Wellness bonus, walls affect the durability, and logistics determines the "area of affect" (more details on this later) of the hospital.

Defense System:
Defense systeems will have three components: layout, walls, and project plans. Layout gives defensive power to the defense system, walls impact durability, and project plans determine the "area of effect".

All four type of weapons (rifles, artillery, helicopter, tank) will have four components: barrel, frame/engine, body, and ammunition. The barrel determines the attack accuracy, the frame/engine determines the defensive capabilities, the butt determines the durability, and the ammunition determines the damage of the weapon.

Raw Materials will change too:
- Grain is used for food
- Oil is used for travel tickets
- Stone (replaces Wood) is used for houses, hospitals and defense systems
- Iron is used for rifles and artillery
- Titanium (replaces diamonds) is used for tanks and helicopters

Even though some industries will disappear, all investments will be converted to a new industry. More will be explained later.

Customization Points:

http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0909/50-points-g-20-portestors-rioters-police-swat-pittsburgh-demotivational-poster-1254123535.jpg" alt="obrazek" title="This picture is close enough for this section." width="275">

Instead of Quality levels, companies will now have Customization-Point levels. It works pretty much the same way, the higher the CP-level, the better the product.

Each CP-level provides the General Manager with customization points, which they can choose to use on certain aspects of their products, making these aspects give higher bonuses.

The number of points the company gets per CP-level depends on how many components the company's product has. For roducts with 2 components, the company gets 30CPs for each CP-level, 3 components gets 40CPs, and 5 components get 50CPs for each CP-level.

In V2, to start a company, you'll now need 40Gold, 20Gold to create the company and then another 20Gold (which is invested in the company) to assure the company has a starting base of money.

Also, you will be able to "destroy" companies in V2. The same way as downgrading a company's Q-level works now, you'll get half of your investment from "destroying" it.

Military Module:

Battles will now be turn-based Player-vs-Player (PvP), and will take place on a map made up of many hexagonal tiles. There will be many different types of tiles, such as grassland, forest, mountain, etc. Citizens will start on a tile on their choice and on their turn, will be able to move around the map and attack enemy citizens. When you attack a tile with an enemy on it, you will get to pick one out of a possible five enemies on that tile to attack. The two of you will then take turns attacking each other until one of you dies. The winner stays in the battle, while the loser is taken out. You can redeploy in a battle after you've died, but doing so will have negative side-effects.

http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/0/01/Military1.png" alt="obrazek" title="http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/0/01/Military1.png" width="300">

The type of weapon (rifle, artillery, helicopter or tank) that you use can give you advantages over the enemies that you attack.

- Infantry (rifles) have an advantage over Artillery.
- Artillery have an advantage over Helicopters.
- Helicopters have an advantage over Tanks.
- Tanks have an advantage over Infantry (rifles).

http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/6/65/Military2.png" alt="obrazek" title="http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/6/65/Military2.png" width="300">

The tiles that you are on when you attack an enemy may also give you an advantage. Not much is known about these advnatages yet, but the idea is that you can either get an Attack or Defense bonus depending on what type of tile you're on. There are also disadvantages for some tiles, such as that tanks cannot move onto a mountain tile.

Your current strength skill will be split into a weapons skill for each weapon type. You will get to choose which weapon skill your current strength skill is transfered into.

Your military rank will stay the same, but instead of adding a percentage of extra damage, it will provide a chance at making a critical hit (not quite sure what that really means yet). There will also be more ranks after Field Marshall in V2.


The latest article about how battles are fought can be read here.
I haven't gotten to it yet, and probably won't for awhile

Plenty of information has been omitted from here, so if you're still confused, just ask a question in the comments.

Enjoy [not reading it],
Kronos Q
Deputy Minister of V2 Preparation