v2 Hospital System Makes It Harder to Fight (and Work)

Day 871, 15:48 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

Obviously, hospitals are going to work just a little differently in v2. One will not be guaranteed 50 health for fighting. Instead, hospitals will have an effect only on the battlefield, and even then, only between turns.

Additionally, hospitals are going to be subject to new rules: Hospitals will have to balance durability, effectiveness, and area of effect.

That's not all. Hospitals can be captured by the enemy!

What does this mean for the typical soldier? Soldiers will no longer be GUARANTEED a certain amount of health. It is unclear, but right now it seems possible that a soldier will be able just to chill out within the hospital area of effect until his health is back up to normal. In fact, if the hospital is able to boost health back to 100, this may be an exploit that will have to be addressed by the admins.

Working under the assumption, however, that, generally speaking, getting back to full health at the end of the day is going to be more difficult and, if not more difficult, at least more complicated, then there are some issues that individual countries are going to have to address.

First of all, this emphasizes the disparity between the fighting and working class. A member of the working class is not going to want to spend all of his time resting merely to build his health back up, for this detracts from the time he could be studying and earning money.

Secondly, depending on how difficult it will be to regain health on the battlefield, soldiers may find themselves fighting hard one day but then having to rest for the next day or two. During this time, he probably won't have too much incentive to spend time working, or studying. This will further emphasize the disparity between classes.

Thirdly, countries will likely run into a problem of battle fatigue, especially when a country is on the offensive and doesn't have the hospitals available for itself to use. Countries, therefore, will have to time and plan their attacks wisely, so as to avoid sending weak soldiers back into battle, only to get trounced again.

Fourth, as I hinted in the previous point, going on the offensive is going to be extremely taxing, considering the fact that the attacking army likely won't have access to hospitals on the battlefield.

Fifth, hospitals are going to be key players in v2 battles. The attacking army will likely consider them to be worth capturing for their own use and the defending army will depend on them in order to fend off the army.

We have already seen some minor effects from the new hospital rule today. My own party has encouraged people with low health not to fight... a interesting piece of advice you would have never seen earlier in v1 except in extreme circumstances.

Unfortunately, there's not a lot of information with regards to HOW effective hospitals are going to be and there is still lots to explain about how to fight and how hospitals are placed on the map and how they are captured, etc. Still, the above principles still hold true, and this is something that countries need to start thinking about.
