v2 Charts and Analysis

Day 898, 19:51 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted much stuff about v2 lately. The fact is that my knowledge is only as great as the insiders have been, and there hasn't been too much more information I can gather from the insiders. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.

However, I have been working on my excel skills in anticipation of v2 so that I can offer you some great analysis and helpful tips on efficiencies and "beating the system."

I made this one on the relationship between "tanks" and "mass soldiers" and which is most cost-effective. You can check it out here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiYBQxHf1_DpdDltR1B4V01pS0R0ZmFyMjlUMnBCTFE&hl=en

Aside from my brief stint in Congress, I have decided as well to take a step back from the national in-fighting and establish myself as a credible authority on data and figures, offering you the best insight I can.