Välkomna alla nya spelare!

Day 827, 05:54 Published in Sweden Argentina by Nico Irenfrea

Greetins swedish babies! My name is Vintersorg and I'm an inmigrant living in eSweden (the eRepublik version of Sverige), since my svenska is quite bad I will try to do my best to help you using english, my second language. If you need to ask anything about the game and you understand english feel free to send me a private message or add me to your friends list.

eRepublik is, after all, a social interaction game, so if you are socially active and interact with the rest of the community it will help you a lot to improve your position among the other eSwedish citizens. You can choose to be a soldier, a politician, a company owner, or all of them!

But first you will have to go through the first levels to be able to fight in battles, own companies or join a party. It takes about a week to start playing this game at its full potential.

Level 1:

First of all get your citizen a good avatar, this will give you some Experience Points. Then you can get your first job, try to get one at a 1-star (Q1) company, so your wellness won't go down fast. You can only work 1 time every day, so be patient 🙂. Just go to Market > Job Market and browse on the 0-skill options.

Level 2:

After getting your first job and working for the first time you should achieve level 2, congratulations! Now you can train for the military, go to My Places > Training Grounds and try with Lana. Since you wont have any gold yet (you get some while getting levels, but this will come later) just train with the first option. After training you will get enough Experience Points to reach level 3.

Don't forget to buy yourself some food! You will have been earning some money at this point, plus the Citizen Fee that is given to every newborn in this game. Also read the newspapers, you will always find good information that will help you know more about the current events going on Sweden and the rest of the world. You can read news from other countries going to Community > News and choosing different countries.

Keep working and training every day until you reach level 5, so you will be able to fight in wars and raise your level and wellnes way much faster than just working and training. Sweden is currently involved on a global war, so keep an eye on the Defense reports. And you always can join the Swedish forums to get help, just get here: http://www.erepublik.se

Tack för läsning!