USWP Party President

Day 572, 19:55 Published in USA Australia by Jasper Ferguson

Before you push the mouse button and cast your vote for party president tomorrow, please ask yourself the following:

Who is it that led the USWP to a near majority in Congress during the last elections?

Who is it that has worked to keep that delegation working together for the betterment of the eUS?

Who is it that passes out chocolates to everyone?

Okay, the last one wasn't serious, but still, Ananias has led the USWP to the success that it now enjoys. So please, show him some love for all that he has done and cast your vote for Ananias. I can think of no one that is more qualified to lead the USWP in the future. Ananias has worked tirelessly to ensure that not only does the USWP have a near majority in Congress, but that it works to create a positive future for our nation.

-Jasper Ferguson