USWP Member Services Theme Update

Day 1,290, 16:09 Published in USA Canada by Máedóc

After concluding last months theme contest on our forums (star trek) we have picked a winner and id like to announce it. Congratulations to Code0011, You have won 50 q5 food , 10 q5 weapons and 5 gold.

The winning avatar

And now we will be revealing this months forum theme: Graphical interpretations of Pfeifer

Prizes: 50q5 food, 10q5 weapons, 5 gold go to the one with the best avatar, However i will be sending 25 q2 food to everyone who participates.

1. Entries must be made by 23:59 erep on the last day of the month
2. You cant just post a picture; it has to be your avatar on the forums too
3. Dont suck 🙂
4. Winner cannot be EB or EBE so dont let the pros intimidate you!

Now lets see those avatars USWP!!!!!!

Director of Member Services