USGP PP Platform-Kylero

Day 753, 18:45 Published in USA Belgium by Kylero

My fellow Greens,

I wish to further divulge the specifics on what I plan to do if I am elected as the USGP's PP for my third term.

Recruitment and Activity
We need to continue our efforts to gain members. We must understand that as a non-top 5 party, most members we gain will come from word-of-mouth and actions of Greens. We as Greens need to ensure that we help newbs any chance we can. If they ask for your help, contact the Director of Newb Affairs. We have food, we have tickets, we have the means to help new players out, not to mention our knowledge and experience.

More importantly, we need to retain members and stimulate member activity. We can do this by promoting an all-inclusive governance. Every new member should be greeted, and directed to the party forums and encouraged to subscribe to party newspapers. I have a record of doing this on my own, as I am fully aware of who the newest members are. I plan to make new members feel welcomed and appreciated. Every Green should friend each other, and we can use the shout method as a simple way to communicate. Mass PMing should also be a vital strategy, as everyone loves receiving PMs.

Party Image
As I see, there is nothing wrong with being compared to the RL Green Party. The USGP does not only stand for saving trees, but rather, it stands for justice. The purpose of the USGP is to promote:

- A living wage: Every eCitizen should be able to buy enough food and fight for their country on a regular basis. I'm not necessarily suggesting a raise in the minimum wage, but we need to ensure economic justice.

- Universal Wellness-Care: While at war, it is easy to stay well, but what about peacetime? As a party, we should be gifting partners.

- Government transparency: Elected officials should be accountable to their electors. Any sign of deception or corruption should be taken seriously. An open and transparent governance is what the USGP strives to ensure.

We need to be the party that everyone can rely on. We need to be non-partisan, as we are all eHumans first, and eMericans second.

Cabinet and Leadership
When I instated the Cabinet structure for this party, I envisioned a very efficient centralized command. As anything new, things did not always run smoothly, as there were not enough active members to fill positions. However, I feel that as long as everyone's on the same page, it can be a force to be reckoned with. I encourage all Greens to serve your party. Sign up for a Cabinet position, and gain experience in networking with others and serving a purpose. If elected, I will appoint officials who can best perform their duties. I would like to see someone step up and be the Press Director. It is a very important position that has been lost over the past two Party Presidencies.

Many of you know my capabilities. While you may not appreciate my sometimes testy personality, I guarantee you the party's interests are best served with me at the helm. I do have regrets about things I have said and done, but I will never let anything bad happen to this party, you have my word!

And as always, onward we march!
