Use What Ya Got

Day 2,167, 12:10 Published in Canada Canada by Wes Lewis

How I feel bout it

I feel like this two day schedule on writing articles is doing me well, so I am going to do it a third time judge me... Instead of my Multi destroying exploits this article we are going to discuss region ownership, and why we SHOULD NOT want ownership of our any of the western coast. It is advantageous both strategically and economically for us to "rent" these regions to our Dutch and Swiss comrades.

Current regional situation in eCanada, West Coast is sad because it has no purpose to us

Currently, we have the Swiss in Alberta, and the Dutch are in NW Territories, per agreements Addy made with each respective government. I am not sure on exact terms of these agreements but I don't need to know to completely agree with what he is doing. Why you may ask? Because put simply these four western most regions provide absolutely no benefit to us, but can have huge purpose to our dear friends Switzerland and the Netherlands. I will use a pros/cons list to help you all better understand.

1) Rental fees are generated from these regions, while it is a small amount even 1 CC is more profitable then if we own them directly.
2) We have to very close allies added into proximal range of us, that if needed can assist us directly in wars.
3) A natural barrier is created between us and Alaska which links to Asia, bringing us down to just two "borders".
4) We are doing our bros and alliance a solid, I'll talk about this in the next paragraph.
5) All 4 resource bonuses generated by the 4 western most regions we already have in other regions we own.

1) In order do to a region swap with the US we would need to reacquire either rental regions or liberate the Spanish conquests.
2) eCitizens that are OCD will be butthurt about us not owning all our regions

Maybe there will be a new tri-bromance?

A big topic of debate recently here in Canada is rekindling the bromance with the United States but why? While they are our "big brother" we cannot deny that we have been neglected and considered irrelevant to them for most of the last year. So it is only natural that we fill the void in our eHearts with new bros in my mind, these bros could be the Swiss and Dutch! True friends are better then fake ones anyday...

The elephant in the room obviously is that they are not near as strong as our old flame, but who cares? They have Euro time damage to compete with the Spanish or British better and can reaffirm our position with the US. Not only this but also a great way to "do our part" in the alliance, where we lack in military might, diplomacy prevails. This model of nation similarly models after the British in terms of their diplomatic relevance within TWO, which has worked out wonderfully for them over the years.

In closing, here in Canada we have been stuck in our old ways, and where do they always end up getting us? While I am not suggesting we dump the US I think it is important we utilize what we do have going for us for maximum effect. If you don't like it? Well sorry to say I don't care baby!