USAF Newsletter: Day 3040

Day 3,040, 14:28 Published in USA USA by USAF Media

It’s been a bumpy road this month for the USAF following the disappearance of former Operating Commander, Rainy Sunday, Hale Kane has been appointed as the new OC, and has set to make a few changes to the program, hoping to bring USAF to its former glory.

The Team

Hale Kane has filled a few empty positions already, but needs more volunteers! Here is a current list of officers and their respective responsibilities:

Operations Commander (OC): Hale Kane

The OC is responsible for directing the Military Unit alongside the current CP, who serves as the Commander in Chief.

Executive Officer (XO): Tyler Bubblar

The XO of the USAF serves as the right hand man (or woman) to the OC and, in case of an emergency, would take command of the USAF should the OC be MIA.

Commune Director: Enderaggie

The USAF Commune Director is in charge of holding and organizing all of the USAF’s communes as well as updating the OC on the effectiveness of the communes- how much money is made or lost.

Quartermasters: Kodos, Libertas33, DaKoS VK, Axl Finley

Quartermasters are key to the success of the USAF as the national Military Unit. They supply weapons to USAF soldiers apart from the commune. At minimum, this supply goes out once per day.

Captains: DaKos VK, Heikanu, Kodos, mbenkovi, Top Channel 8, Regis Philbin

Captains are also key to the USAF’s effectiveness for the eUSA. They keep soldiers fighting for the Department of Defense orders set by the National Security Council and update the orders for the Military Unit when the OC and XO are offline.

DoD-SEP Program versus Soldier Status

The USAF also runs the DoD-SEP Program. This program is meant to aid USAF members in upgrading their training grounds. In exchange for working in the USAF communes twice daily (with your extra click from a Q1 house), you will receive .5 gold per click (1 gold a day!). This program is meant to aid young soldiers in becoming effective, and efficient fighters for our country.

If you have already upgraded your training grounds, however, fear not! Soldiers Status members may request daily weapons (and food if in Div. 1 or 2) and will receive different amounts depending on their respective Division levels. This program is meant to encourage more experienced soldiers to fight for DoD orders!

Hale Kane has some big plans for the USAF, but he needs your help! Join the USAF today, new player or old-timer, big-hitter or occasional button-pusher! Help make the USAF great again!

Jaden A.