USA weakened by Presidental Impeachment

Day 488, 14:30 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

the US President Uncle Sam has been impeached by his congress in a landslide vote by his senators.
This has weakened the US's position even more in Mexico because now with a new election due Portugual will begin it's charge into the USA.
ATLANTIS has lost a staunch (if ineffective) member and ally. These past two days have seriosuly weakened ATLANTIS's power, The Netherlands has allied with Indonesia (The archenemy) and now Uncle Sam bites the dust.
It begs the question can ATLANTIS effectivly stop PEACE any more? We here in Oz should be lookign at PEACE as an increasingly more 'golden' oppurtunity if we had to pick a side, ATLANTIS cannot fight PEACE it ha sbeen crushed at every turn, even the infightign between Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia has not weakened PEACE that much.
This has been a grim week, let us pray that ATLANTIS can pull it back.

I bet your all wondering why this has occured. Well....Uncle Sam spent 431 Gold on sending 3 tanks to Romania to fight Indonesia without telling Congress. He has been deeply unpopular since the begining of the Mexico war and the blunders made by the army that has been let down by Uncle Sam.
The word about the 431 gold came from Uncle Sam's ex-Vice President and not from him directly which angered many as this was a major piont that his rivals picked him up on...a lack of communication.
The Marines weren't even issued with Q3 guns while many American soldiers fightign in Mexico are using thier bare fists because the army has not been paid for guns from the State.

good riddance to bad rubbish....

(Also, how would you all like to see an interveiw with Calibur next issue about his new church?)