USA vs Canada

Day 1,703, 07:35 Published in Norway Norway by Georgij Zjukov

Recently a the current speaker for the Canadian government proposed USA as Canada's natural enemy. Here's some background information:

Canada is currently under a Political Take Over (PTO). A man named Rolo Tahmassee has taken control over the Canadian government, and he now controls the entire nation. The PTO started back in January 2011, Rolo had access to the CP of Canada's account, and used it to drain the Canadian treasury.
In the following period of time, he used this money to bribe the Canadian government, and was able to drain their treasury multiple more times.

Now he is paying people money to join his parties.

When the current speaker of Canada proposed a NE against USA a clear message went to his congress:

"Hold your votes! We are to vote No in the end, but for now I encourage a few people to vote yes to trick USA. Also, yes, I'll have to resign from speaker position and give my role to Rolo Tahmasee, since he was my deputy. So for as long as Leo is gone, Rolo is our current speaker."

This is a estimated attack against the USA, Canada wanted to trick the USA to NEing them first, so that USA would loose their MPP before Canada attacks them.

Rylde is Canadas current Country President, he is controlled by Rolo.
There are many people there are upset with the congress' decision to declare Canada natural enemy. Some people are saying they go to Canada and fight against USA, their own country!

People are worried that this government just wants to flip, and go Pro-ONE.
There are people that would love to see this happen.

The current Canadian administration is NOT Their real government, Canada is really Rolo's nation.

This is my first article, so please rate and sub.

Current ambassador in USA and UK:
Georgij Zjukov