USA Party Strength Day 912

Day 912, 09:01 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

Here is the Benedict James Party Strength Indicator for Day 912:

APF 86 (+2)
FED 43 (+3)
UIP 32 (0)
TAMA 29 (+4)
SEES 27 (-1)
REP 23 (-11)
SFP 9 (0)
NoS 7 (-1)
RP 6 (Not previously listed)
BP 6 (-1)
ADP 6 (-1)
TPA 6 (0)

Wow. The SEES seeming PTO of The Republican Party has had a profound impact on the fractured party. They have gone down 11 points in the BJ Party Ranking as players flood into other parties, like the FEDS and TAMA (the old LIBS party), both of which are showing a nice little bump.

Also, the Republican Party, one of the many sects of the Republican Party, has made it on to the scene.

Meanwhile, NoS flirts with claiming dominance among Tier 2 parties but has not yet managed to overcome the more well established SFP.

SEES continues to bleed and may soon fall off the first page.