USA Party Strength Day 910

Day 910, 08:49 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

Here is the BJ Party Strength Indicator for Day 910. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

APF 84 (+5)
FED 40 (0)
REP 34 (+😎
UIP 32 (-5)
SEES 28 (-3)
TAMA 25 (0)
SFP 9 (+1)
NoS 8 (0)
DR 7 (+1)
BP 7 (0)
TPA 6 (0)

The top parties are in flux. It appears that there was an exodus from SEES into the old REP party.

Otherwise, it appears that we saw a large number of newbs joining parties. According to my records, over 50% of players with wellness 40+ joined a party. This explains why the APF is showing a huge jump.

Otherwise, there is not much new to report.