US Party Elections Full of Political Scandal

Day 325, 23:59 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

Given the fact that 3 major US parties had open, contested elections today, everyone expected a little bit of bitterness and fight. They got more than a little.

Evan Bayh of the AAP, who lost in a landslide election, wrote an [a url=]article[/a] describing his past accounts, motives, and basically insulting the entire country. He changed the AAP name to the Rape Party, with the abbreviation FAG, and released a number of racist press releases.

The news about Bayh overtook most of the media, although another story dealt with accusations of unfair election practices in the former RfC, now known as the Federalist Party. There is a second Federalist Party in the US, run by Rise. It has four members however.

[a url=]Jefferson Steelflex[/a] and [a url=]Desertfalcon[/a] both wrote articles asking why they were moved down the member rankings this morning, lowering their positions on the ballot, making them harder to find. TGM has [a url=]defended[/a] himself in a press release saying that he had tried to move them up, but the ranking system is flawed and he tried for 20 minutes until he was forced to give up.

Steelflex had an early lead in the polls, but has since dropped to a far third. He has officially withdrawn from the race and [a url=]endorsed[/a] Desertfalcon for FP president. He has a slight lead over TGM. We will have to see how this impacts the FP as time goes on.

In other, less scandalous party news, Justinious of the UCP was not on the ballot by mistake. Nonesuch will win the UCP elections and transfer power back to Justin.

The Libertarian party elections will be won by Time. The smooth landslide victory is good for them. After the Sunter scandal, membership in the Libertarian party has fallen, and another scandal could have caused even more damage.

Peregrine will hold onto the USWP seat as well, winning by a very wide margin.

UPDATE: Desertfalcon wins Federalist Party elections by a margin of 3 votes.