US Mentor Program

Day 1,112, 21:58 Published in USA USA by Princefigs
US Mentor Program - Director Princefigs
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I wanted to create this article as a easy-to-find reference for all the new players so that you can easily have some information on what the US Mentor program can do for you, as well as, some tidbits of general information on how to avoid some of the basic mistakes that newer players fall into.

The mission of the Mentor program is :

To help new citizens become acclimatized to the functionality of eRepublik and to get you in contact with successful people that can help you in whatever goal you have for your time playing this game.

To that end, I want to let you know that we have several highly skilled and highly successful mentors on staff who are dedicated to the goal of helping you become successful in whatever path you wish to venture in.
Here are the most common areas of interest in eRepublik:

*Military or Militia service to defend the country
*Getting involved in Congress and having a hand in forming the budget
*Becoming a member of the executive branch of government and becoming involved in setting policy for the country
*Building successful business and becoming an economic and financial powerhouse
*Becoming a highly influential media mogul for a newspaper...perhaps even your own.
*Getting involved in a political party

Thats not all you can do in this game, but those are some of the most common things that people tend to enjoy. The best part of it all, you are not limited in scope. You can get involved in as many of these are you want or as few. Its up to you.

First things first, we need to get you established. Reality teaches us that you can move a mountain in a day, in the same sense you cannot become a media mogul or a top warrior in a day. It takes work. Mentors are here to help.

First things first,we need to get you a good job and help you avoid the common mistakes of newer players.
As far as a job goes, you can either go to the job market and find one at random, or, you can send a PM to either myself or your assigned mentor and we can help you find one that best suits you. (i.e. An owner that speaks your natural language, lives in the same time zone, has the same career path that you want) After that, we can focus on you not making typical newer player mistakes.

First rule of thumb : Never,ever fight more in a day than you can afford. How much can you afford? Well, figure that each time you hit that big shiny red fight button

it costs you 10 health. Most fights will cost 2 hits...sometimes 3 or more. So, that means that each vicotry will cost you a minimum of 20 health. Each food item will cost you around .70 USD and only heals 2 health. So, per fight, you are looking at spending at least 7 USD. If you cant afford that, DONT FIGHT. One more thing....dont use gold to fight or health....just trust me when I say that it is a waste at your current level. Save your gold for something else.

Your best bet, for early success, is to stay in contact with your assigned mentor and keep him /her up-to-date on any problems or concerns that you have, as well as, any goals or ambitious that you are looking at. Doing this will ensure that you and your mentor are working towards the same objective and will of course help you develop one of your first friendships.
Please remember, these mentors are not paid or compensated in anyway for their time. Please understand that they do this because they want to help. Allow them the ability to help and to guide you in your early stages of the game. If you have not signed up for a mentor yet and would like one, simply shoot me a PM and let me know. I will get one in contact with you quick like. If you did sign up already, you should hear from your mentor within the next 24 hours.

Thank you for reading and enjoy your time with eRepublik.
US Mentors Program