US Green Party

Day 342, 14:10 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

Green politics is a political ideology which places a high importance on ecological and environmental goals, and on achieving these goals through broad-based, grassroots, participatory democracy. Supporters of Green politics, called Greens, share many ideas with the ecology, conservation, environmental, feminist, and peace movements. In addition to democracy and ecological issues, green politics is concerned with civil liberties, social justice and nonviolence. Although Greens in the United States "call for an end to the 'War on Drugs'" and "for decriminalization of victimless crimes", they also call for developing "a firm approach to law enforcement that directly addresses violent crime, including trafficking in hard drugs. In keeping with their commitment to the preservation of diversity, greens are often committed to the maintenance and protection of indigenous communities, languages, and traditions. An example of this is the Irish Green Party's commitment to the preservation of the Irish Language.The Green Party appeals to both Republicans and Democrats because it allows coservatives and Liberals to come together for the better of nation. When all parties work together to achive a common goal for the better of humanity there is no obstacle we cannot overcome. I ask you to join our great party in order to push our Green Agenda into World Politics.Visit our Party page
Jamarcus( Secretary of US Green Party)