US Back on the Offensive, and More

Day 694, 19:35 Published in USA USA by Indrae
America's Back in Action
Today, day 694 of the new world, the eUSA has begun a new offensive, this time attacking the Hungarian-held original Canadian region of Manitoba. The eCanadians are also attacking Manitoba, in an effort to divide the Hungarian firepower, making it harder for them to hold the region. If this region is liberated, it will bring Hungary down to two Canadian regions (Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories), and two American regions (Alaska and Washington). This may be the beginning of the end of Hungarian occupation of North American territories, however with 20 hours left in the fight, anything can happen. For eAmerican readers, here are the DoD orders.

UK Holds on to Region, Goes on Offensive
The UK has recently secured Midtjylland, a Scandinavian territory, against Sweden. Shortly after their victory in Midtyjlland, they went on the offensive, attacking the Swedish-held territory Nordjylland. Where these developments iwll lead can only be guessed at for now.

India Re-Gains Northern India
A recent resistance war in Northern India has been met with success. This resistance was started by Seal Team 6, a group of American players, who also started resistance wars against Iran in other areas, in order to provide a distraction. Once the region was returned to India, the eUS proposed an mpp with eIndia, which was rejected by the eIndian government. Another noteworthy development is that eIndonesia has rejected an mpp that was proposed by eIndia. In this article by the eIndonesian ambassador to eIndia, xenocross, it is explained that the mpp was rejected due to eIndia also having an mpp with eRomania. He also mentions that the eIndonesian president has recently suffered the passing of his father, which means that he doesn't have the time to spend in the game currently. I would like to offer my condolences to the eIndonesian president, Bong.