Urgent call for information - Public Finances

Day 1,478, 08:16 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

I've made some calculations on spend over the last 20 days and they are quite alarming!

Over the last 20 days our congress has vote😛 EGY 795,993 to the National Bank of Egypt.

Over the last 20 days our President has spent

Started 18 RWs = 18 x 10,000 = EGY 180,000
Signed on alliance: EGY 10,000

The National Bank of Egypt currently holds 0.06 EGY

This leaves EGY 605,992.04 unaccounted for.

It is unknown how much has been spent for the development of businesses, I’d be grateful if Janko Fran could advise and I will amend accordingly.

It is unknown how much was spent in donations to Military Units to help free Egypt, I’d be grateful if the MU Commanders could declare how much weapons have been received over the last 20 days.

I urgently appeal to citizens to help me to locate how over EGY 600k has been spent. If we cannot locate the money I would strongly advise that our new President launches an investigation into where the money is gone, and to urgently seek ways we can prevent this from happening in the future!

To put that in perspective, at current prices, the unaccoutned for money could buy:

17,314 Q5 tanks
146,022 Q5 food

5 of the RWs were won, that means that 50 RW medals were won by the RW sponsors. How many non-Croats received RW medals for successful Egyptians wars in the last 20 days, please do comment below if you have.

Franz Kafka