Ur o guay

Day 531, 13:04 Published in Brazil Pakistan by William Walker

Ladies and gentlemen,

In the name of Dio Brando, the holy and immortal god emperor, I urge that Uruguay will be ruled peacefully and in harmony. Uruguay, once it is introduced to the world, will become a haven for all peace-loving peoples. It shall become a refuge for those who fear war and poverty. It will become a beacon of safety, peace and love!

To ensure that this peace can be maintained, I urge all the nations of all continents to acknowledge my reign to ensure the peace of this country and it's sovereignity. We the Uruguayans hope we can get support from many countries and guaranteed sovereignity by nations who desire freedom and peace.

If you vote for me, when Uruguay is presented to the international podium, I will work and act for Uruguay and it's future!

Sincerely and best regards,

William Walker