Updates on the Military

Day 628, 10:48 Published in South Africa South Africa by South African Armed Forces

Well time sure flies when you’re actually working. The eSouth African Army is undergoing a process of reform. There was more “under-the-hood” work involved than it was initially thought and this is part of the reason for which the visible process of creating a military has been apparently slow.

While I am sure that once eS.A is an inhabitable country once again the number of applications/ day will increase substantially we can’t simply sit on our collective asses and wait for that to happen so that we can get to work.

On to the updates then:

1.Answering concerns about applications: As those of you who have filled out the form for joining the Armed Forces know, one of the questions there was whether the candidate would be willing to fight for Brazil/Indonesia. The reason this question was posed was to establish whether or not a candidate is eligible for the Pretorian Guard(a home defense unit). The “Fuck you I have a conscience!” answer disqualifies candidates for the PG for obvious reasons( the 4 month MPP with Brazil means that the only battles available at home will be the ones in which Brazilians are involved).
This does not, however disqualify anyone for military service. It merely means that the candidates that have chosen this answer will be incorporated in the deployable branch of the military, which will be, I’m sure, more to their liking.

2. A new position in the military staff: With the return to Limpopo drawing close, thoughts turn to logistics problems our fledgling will be faced with once active service officially commences. One of them being the constant supply of weapons .Another one is the actual distribution process that has the potential of turning into a nightmare. That is why a new position needs to be create😛 Quartermaster General.
The job description would go something like this:
-the QMG will run any and all military companies created for the Armed Forces
-the QMG will supply each platoons’ QM with the necessary weapons for
-the QMG will ensure coordination between QMs.
So if you have the financial skills for the job, are an extremely active citizen and have been with eS.A for quite some time, let me know(pm me) and we’ll see if you have what it takes to fill the position.

3. Merit Points/Forfeit Points system: In order to make things a bit more interesting and competitive for the troops a system of rewards will be implemented for the army.
Also, in order to ensure that a measure of discipline is kept within the ranks a Forfeit Points system(similar to the in-game one) will also be added.
The structure is not yet fully developed, it will be put up for discussion in the forums within the next few days.

Link to the application form for the Armed Forces: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dHVnMjdaV2pkd25JWVFLRzRZeVVDeVE6MA..

Also, please subscribe to this paper if you have applied for the military in order to be kept in the loop.
