Updates and Coming Attractions

Day 2,717, 18:09 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Every so often things take a swing in the world. Six months ago I decided to quit erep and actually did quit playing even though my account stayed active and I checked in and hung out from time to time. When I did quit I gave everything I had to the SCAM program and 'Old Man' Custer, then somehow spent my spare time raising additional funds and awareness of SCAM. What I can say is while my 'quitting' hasn't been as successful as planned, SCAM (Senior Citizen's Assistance Money) has been. In fact I'd like to personally thank the SCAM program for assisting in my return a week ago since I was basically broke. While I was a fairly cheap return, already having fully upgraded training grounds and my own factories, I applied to SCAM and was given enough starter cash to actually cover taxes to work said factories and restart a basic strength training program while I rebuild some funds and wait for the next training contract sale so I can restart a full training program. Remember supporting SCAM supports some old f*ck you might have thought died, but damn you're glad he's back.

So old business done, it's time for the new.

Sometimes erep and real life can overlap, which leads the way to a big announcement. Coming soon to a stream near you, RadioStar.FM: the Future of Internet Radio will be launching a new show featuring none other the your's truly 'The Kidd, Razmyth'

and everyone's favorite in the eUSA and the entire eWorld 'Rainy Sunday'.

After too many years experience as a bar enthusiast (I hope I'm talking about Rainy there, couldn't be me), singing with several bands on the fly, 2 years actually employed DJing in one bar and turning down an offer to audition for a radio station in Ottawa (don't ask my why I didn't do it I'm still kicking myself); Add-on co-hosting WWW with Josh Whitehead, co-hosting WWW with Jude Connors and co-hosting eNPR with 'Old Man Custer'; what can I say, it's in my blood to join the RadioStar.FM community


To be a little different from the formats already running I've decided to run an earlier show, time to be announced soon, and be more countryish. I'll take the plunge to top 30ish country sure but with special features such as 'Rainy Sunday tells a Joke' I'll have faith that the 5 minute ratings spike while our listenership triples will pull us through.

My oath, I’m still trying to figure out who Kayne West is and why people talk about him, I’ve heard the name Beyonce and no idea wtf that’s about, Miley Cyrus, disgusting. I pledge to play something you can drink to and feel good about it. Enough said.

In the meantime watch for announcements as we prepare to go live.

Fingers and toes, fingers and toes
That's forty things we share
Well forty one, if you include
The fact that we don't care

The Kidd, Razmyth