UPDATED: [ Admins - Save Denmark ]

Day 675, 09:58 Published in Romania Sweden by Fenrisulven
Update: Denmark kicked some Serbian ass.. Way to go Denmark ! May even more FAIL fall upon you Serbia and PEACE

Its been a long time since I wrote my last article over 1 month ago, beat that sebahmah ! But lets get to business right away.This may or may not be commonly known, I have no idea because I have been two-clicking myself through this game for over a month now and I've totally lost track (actually I'm 7-clicking by fighting)

Denmark suffered a big problem not long time ago. As we all know this new citizenship module was implemented to prevent Take Overs by simply adding "Citizenships" that only congressmen can grant. All congressmen together can grant citizenships equal to 10 % of the of a country's population. If the country named X had 1 000 citizens the congressmen all combined could only grant 100 citizenships during one mandate.

Well, not quite. It turned out that congressmen could grant far more citizenships. At least in Denmark where 2 persons granted citizenships almost equal to 10 % of the countries citizens, all by their own..

That isn't right and let me quote the eRepublik laws: "Each player is required to immediately report any system exploits or critical errors they find to the game support."

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the serbs who are letting all the TOers in exploiting a bug and should therefore be banned ?
Correct me if I am wrong again but shouldn't all of the serbs who are infiltrating Denmark be banned because they're helping the bug abusers abuse even more ?

I know that it would require a lot of job (I don't know but lets pretend that I do) but we can't just sit here and see Sweden's little sister beeing raped 😒 Denmark is a peaceful country (they ar e not members of PEACE they're just peaceful).

Here are some solution, just pick one out randomly, the important thing is to save Denmark:

+ Temporarily bann all of those who have been exploiting this bug (the congressmen who granted and those who took the advantage to fly over, apply to get a citizenship through unjust means) AFTER the congressional elections.

Why ? Because all of those who get banned will automatically loose their congress seats and that would mean that the TO attempt will fail. And while you're at it: Kick the Serbs who was granted Citizenship out of the country and resolve it.

+ An old fashion rollback. Not one that will roll the entire world back just in Denmark. I don't think that the Danes would care if they won't get new congressmen this month because they won't recieve ones the following month either if the Serbs decide to stay and rule some more.

And while you're at it: Pick the ban hammer out and start swinging it at all of the bug exploiters also known as Haters.

+ Track 'em all down and permaban them for not respecting the citizen laws. This would make your job much easier and you wont have to resolve their citizenship and so on just bann them and let them wither.

South Korea suffered the same problem.. This means that it wasn't a minor error, this may be a problem all over the world even though we are not aware of it. Investigate it admins !

( Some divine intervention from the admins would be appreciated !)