UPDATE - Know your candidates... no, really!

Day 521, 00:01 Published in South Africa Brazil by South African Party

With the congressional elections only a few hours away, the opportunists, gold-diggers and shady characters are coming out of the woodwork thick and fast. Do not be deceived. You will find sincere, honest citizens everywhere, but so too will you find villians and scumbags. It is therefore of paramount importance to base your vote on information, not emotion.

To help you, the South African Party has been publishing biographies of its trusted candidates. Below you will find the complete list of endorsed candidates. This list differs from the "official" list you will see on the ballot, since party presidents can not remove candidates.

Free State
Pierric Bross - Platform

Nicholas Gray

Whiteheart - Platform: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=df9st6th_0czq376dz

Piet Faassen

Zagarius - Platform

There are 2 rogue candidates, iranianking in Mpumalanga and Bunaly in North-West, that are NOT supported by the SAP, and whose intentions are not honourable, judging from past experience and the way they went about their candidatures.

True South African candidates are those who, regardless of party affiliation, have shown their commitment to our cause through their words, actions and participation. Patriotic South Africans, your vote for a true South African is needed to show the world that we will stand united against any outside threats, and that we will never be dictated to or subjugated.

Informed - Involved - Inspired to vote on the 25th!