Upcoming Presidential Elections

Day 2,018, 14:20 Published in Switzerland USA by csabo07
Hello fellow eSwiss!

I've said it about 100 times, but I'll say it once more. I deeply appreciate how you have accepted me into your small community. It really makes this game so much better than it really is; I even feel as if I am back in the UIP, which is really saying a lot.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. For those of you who keep up to date with the top news, the AIM presidential primary has been released. You can read all about it HERE

The candidates include Alexandre Walen, remi.remi, Trogdorthetroll100, and myself.

Just to be entirely clear, VOTE FOR ONE OF THE OTHER THREE CANDIDATES! I have a strong interest in running for CP in the near future, but my real objective in entering the race is to get my name out there. Over the following months, I hope that I can earn the trust of the masses and eventually have a real shot at the presidency. Until then, all I can do is annoy and pester all of you until you can't forget my name! 🙂

...and now I call a toast!

To all presidential candidates; may the best man triumph!

Until next time, keep it classy Switzerland!