Until the LAST BREATH!!!

Day 899, 20:47 Published in South Korea South Korea by William Choi

Dear brothers and sisters of eSK,

Our adorable homeland has now been invaded by Japanese. For this reason, I am back to eSK from eGreece. I am here to plea you all to FIGHT UNTIL THE LAST BREATH to DRIVE AWAY the Japanese invaders. We are not only fighting for our country but also for freedom, which we have long fighted for. Indeed, the war will be hard and devastating. Also, the firepower of Japanese is overwhelming. Still, even to lose, we should KILL as many Japanese as we can to leave them an impression that THEY ARE NOT WELCOME in eSK! Pick up your rifles, brothers and sisters, DESTROY THE INVADERS, for your country needs you at this very moment. Lock and load! CHARGE!!!

Col. William Choi