Unsung Minister of Activity and Culture's lost memoir

Day 1,242, 17:36 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

You pick up the rather cliche, but dusty journal. There's only one page with actual writing on it (along with cut and paste pictures), the other page only has a crudely drawn picture of a mouse on it...

"The very basis of the community which compels me and drives me to interact further is the intriguing culture and activities that many practice on a regular schedule. Over my years I have grown a strong interest in learning about cultural activities which I would not usually hear about, much like many others who take the dream to the next extreme by studying overseas. However, I do not wish to take upon such feats and would rather stay in the comfort of my comfortable chair...

Yes, even he knew what a comfortable chair was.

That is why, I continue to learn through this gem of it's time. Yes, I learn about culture through an "interactive" and "social" game. Who would have known?

I'm rather scared the game will turn into a sick version of this...

It is rather difficult for me to state all of the facts I have absorbed in this very article, but I can safely say that when the appropriate conversation rises, I should be able to recollect the shattered data. Take for instance, I saw a real life Korean friend's picture with them wearing a Hanbok, and could instantly recognise it thanks to Athasnim's article about Hanboks. It can be found here. I suggest you read his other articles and any newspaper of known figures around here.

Did I mention? Korean girls are extremely cute!

Of course, then again, there are the foreigners and although I don't fancy sounding like a xenophobe, their actions are a bit rash. Everyone says we should be looking out but I see no problem so far. At least, so far.

I myself, think my own race of Chinese people are very xenophobic and racist. Then again, I am always the one cracking the most race jokes...

Now, since I am in quite the position of being a Minister of Activity and Culture, maybe I should do something? Perhaps I could introduce the community to an adorable game with mice and cheese... I think I know just the game!"

Most of the date reads illegible, but you can make out "September 2010".