Unnecessarily complex and overly-ambitious plan doomed to failure

Day 3,432, 04:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

No matter how you look at it, this game has fallen into a dangerous lull. It’s inexorably tedious. It bores rather than delights. Players are leaving in droves while the game marches towards its doom. It has become utterly pointless.

We can spend all day postulating on exactly how and why it has become so dull. After all, we’ve got nothing better to do. So what happened? Whose fault is it? Where did it go wrong? How did it come to this?

Then again, why should we spend our time pondering the causes, when - ultimately - we all know where the blame lays. Correct. It lays firmly and squarely at dust-ingrained, sandal-shod feet of Plato.

So, in an effort to do something about it, or at least amuse myself and maybe others in the process, I’ve come up with a plan. It’s probably not a very good plan, but it’s all I’ve got.

Interested? Read on! Not interested? Go back to clicking the big red button and checking your friend list for today’s casualties...

What’s the plan
I have started a fund, called the P*ss Off Plato Fund. The POP Fund for short.

When the fund reaches a certain level - at least 100,000 200,000 CC and hopefully a lot more - it will trigger a competition.

The competition will be simple - do something that p*sses off Plato so much that it directly and demonstrably brings about a tangible improvement to the game. Irritate the admins into action. Force Plato to change things for the better. And don't get banned in the process.

Perhaps you’ll come up with something that causes Plato to ditch the stupid Maverick Packs. Maybe you’ll trigger a new module. You could come up with something that leads to a reevaluation of the economy or politics modules. Or you’ll (finally) trigger the change to strength- rather than experience-based divisions. Who knows? It’ll be up to you do something which causes Plato to react, and then demonstrate how it has improved the game for the rest of us.

What could be simpler? 🙂


The person who successfully accomplishes this will walk away with all the loot. I’ll be the sole judge, so it’s me you have to impress. And I’ll give you a clue - I don’t buy packs and I’m not a big fan of hammering the big red button.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Before the competition starts, the fund has to be in place. So that’s what’s happening now.

Where’s the cash coming from?
Good question.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been trawling the media looking for signs of life. As part of that I stumbled across a few competitions and giveaways, so - for want of anything better to do - I entered. And, in a couple of cases, I won something. Not a great deal, but something nonetheless.

Given that I don’t spend much time fighting, I don’t really need the cash that I won. I could have stashed it away. I could have handed it out to younger players. I could have come up with a smaller competition of my own. But, instead, I’ve chosen to do this with it.

So, I will continue to enter other people’s competitions etc, and anything I happen to win will be put into the POP Fund. Think of it as crowdfunding.

This means that I am NOT looking for donations to the POP Fund. I specifically don’t want anyone to directly fund this, because then I’ll feel obliged thank them and include them in the judging at the end (if it ever gets that far). Or, more importantly, I’ll have to refund them when - ultimately - this stupid scheme fails. And I don’t want that.

So, apart from an initial 10,000 cc donation that I’ve shoved into the pot, this will be funded entirely from competition wins and giveaways.

Er ... donations now accepted. But don't expect anything in return, OK?

How’s the fund going so far...

Turns out that I'm essentially a whore who can't refuse donations, so within a hour of publishing this article the 100k target has been smashed. Thanks to the irreverent and/or illiterate donors who ignored the whole "no donations" thing 🙂

OK, I get that you don’t want donations. Is there anything else I can do to help?
Thanks for offering - yes there is.

You can help publicise this article far and wide, so as many people as possible see it. If I’m going to do this, I want it to reach as many people as possible (without having to stump up 2 gold a pop to publish the article in different countries - that would defeat the object). After all, as unlikely as it may be, if anything comes of this everyone could benefit from it.

So shout this article on your feeds. Get the word out to your friends, comrades and countrymen (and women). Spread the love.

Oh, and keep your eye out for future articles. If the fund builds up enough things could get interesting 🙂

You know this has no chance of working, right?
Yep. I know. But there’s no harm in trying.

Enjoy the show.

Carlton is willing to enter any dance competitions. He’ll definitely win.