
Day 943, 06:29 Published in India India by Wall_ster

Hello To All My Readers
I am Writing this new article after a period of 2 days. I was a little busy with a few matters so was not able to right an article. But today being Sunday I am free and back writing an article and Torturing You guys again with my Mad writing 😉 lol.

Do you guys remember that in my Previous article Two Coins I told you people about the 2 Socialist partys in India and how we were allies and anybody can join any one of us. Well I wanna make a Correction to that Statement. There is no longer 2 seperate Socialist partys in India but a united and single Socialist party in India.

Yes you heard it right we are united now under the name Indian Workers Movement. This was completely Comrade Simonovs Idea. He wrote me a Letter how it would be in both our partys favour if all the loyal members of both the partys came and worked under a same banner. So we decided that Comrade Simonov and other Socialist Loyalist will come and join our party.

For the Goodwill gesture Comrade Simonov and I taught that we change the partys name and logo to Comrade Simonovs old party. I offered to step down my post for PP to make way for Comrade Simonov but as the good man Comrade Simonov is he told me to stay as PP. Thank you for that Comrade Simonov.

So now I wanted to say all the Socialists of India Unite Under the Indian Workers Movement Banner so that we can become powerful and make eIndia a better place to Live for the common man like you and me.

Ok guys thats it for now. I know the article is boring But what else can you guys expect from me right 😉 So people do Vote, Comment and Subscribe

And last thing I want to Make a Public Apology to Jelen. I am sorry Jelen you know for what 🙂 To other people I am not gonna tell you guys why I am appologising to him. You people keep guessing.

And one more thing - Every person who reads this article do comment something. I like it when you people comment on my articles 😉.