Unity Over Discord

Day 1,066, 18:07 Published in New Zealand Austria by Albert Neurath

The New Zealand media has been filled with anger recently. This is not, however, the righteous anger of the citizen, inflamed over an assault upon his nation, but rather an insipid rage, expressed in the most dangerous ways towards those who have done at most little to deserve it.

Now is not the time for the petty jealousies of politics to creep into the social structure of the nation. We are at war, dear citizens, for the very core of our existence. Surrounding us are enemies who seek to see us brought to ruin, who will pounce upon any slight show of discord between us and use it to further aid their deadly cause. It is imperative, both for the survival of the nation and the survival of oneself, that we present a united front to our opponents.

In its darkest time of want, the nation does not need fifth columns and partisan bickering, but rather loyalists and patriots. We are gathered here, of all nationalities and political persuasions, not to bring with us the prejudices of our old nations, but rather to build for the eWorld something new - a country that all citizens can and should be proud of. The time for debate shall come when we are free of the chains placed upon us by our enemies - not before, and not after.

I therefore call upon all true sons and daughters of New Zealand to put their short-term interest off to one side, and to gaze ahead of them at the path that shall lead to our prosperity. Fighting over politics and personal disputes must come at a later point, if it is to ever come and infect our nation at all.

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." ~Abraham Lincoln

Albert Neurath