Unity Is Strength.

Day 1,109, 21:42 Published in Israel Ireland by orangejuicemmm
Hello Israel.

I have recently just joined your community, and I'll be honest, I haven't much of clue what is what and who is who yet but one thing I can see is the apparent feud raging in Israel at the moment.

I am no stranger to anger and in-fighting in a party, organisation and as a country, heck Ireland (my old country) is nearly famous for it. I managed to get myself into a position in which I was firmly against the opposition and obviously I was justified, but as where the other side in their hatred against me.

Ireland as a whole was split down the middle, neither side would give a little in fear of the other side, I thought we were unique in this way but clearly not.

It had gotten to the point where I didn't feel compelled or actually wanted to change this but now that I see another country in the same situation (with me as a neutral party) I do want to do something about it.

Israel is a small country, a small populace, a small economy and a small active community. We should not be fighting with each other over minor details, which in fact don't actually matter.

Each side, as far as I can gather RL Israelis and Immigrants (maybe like myself), need to give a little. The RL Israelis need to accept that the immigrants are here, and want to work for Israel and immigrants need to respect and look at this from a RL Israelis point of view.

Immigrants: We can all agree that this is a small country, one which could in fact be easily used to gain a position of power etc, but you must respect that you are not the only ones in this country, nor the first ones to join or be apart of the community. You may have good intentions (and I believe some of you do) but to be accepted and to actually achieve something you must show real interest in the well being of this country.

RL Israelis: This is a very small country as I said, it is very hard for a small community to get any where in eRepublik by the nature of the "game". You must realise that there is not enough people from RL Israel to actually get Israel into a better position (IMHO). You must open your arms to new ideas, new opinions and new people from all across the eGlobe. We are not that bad and most/some of us actually want to put Israel before ourselves and our own gain.

Personally, I do not believe that an objective for an individual player is to make his "character" the best it can be. It is to make the country you are active in the best you can possibly make it.

To steal a quote from a old friend.

Israel could be the 300 of eRepublik. We just need to unite with each other. Get past our petty differences and become great like so many of us want.

It is possible, it will just take a lot of sacrifices and time to heal the ridge between both parties.

I hope to help in this healing process..

and I hope YOU do too.

Good night Israel.
