United; Under the Star and Crescent

Day 1,066, 15:32 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by kotekzot.org

Good evening, Pakistan. Today I would like to talk to you about something vital to the continued supremacy of our glorious Empire - UNITY.

I'm sure all of us want the best thing for Pakistan, and may be overzealous about pursuing our visions at times, but we must not forget that we share this wonderful land with people who too strive to see it prevail. Only by working together can we achieve victory over the disgusting hordes trying to destroy our perfect state out of jealousy and inadequacy. Only through unity and combined efforts of our great people has our country achieved its past victories that are still talked about to this day. Now more than ever in recent history ePakistani need to come together to ensure our future.

A glorious past and a standard for us to achieve and surpass

But Pakistan wasn't always the great empire you see above, at one point we were down to one region, Punjab, with only a handful of people to defend it, and Dioist and Paki alike stood back-to-back to see Pakistan overcome the hardships. And here we are now, with a subcontinent of our own.

Our friends from Exodus haven't been here during what Dio Brando referred to as the "Dioistic Cold War" that happened this spring, during which the Dioists have come under heavy attack by ultranationalists trying to destroy us after many of our best and brightest have left the game. With the support of many fine RL Pakistani and dedicated Dioists we have, as a country, managed to outgrow that phase.

Today the situation is reversed, with Dioists gaining steam and Rising Pakistan becoming inert, or at least that's what I'm seeing. I must warn my comrades in Stone Ocean not to repeat the mistakes of ultranationalists and try to oppose the people they share the best country in the world with. Our beloved God Emperor had this to say on the issue:

Pakistan was built upon the beliefs of Dio, written in sand by me and my fellow countrymen. I believe that what we did, more than two years ago, is something big enough to inspire all of you reading this, whatever nationality or ideology. We, the Dioists, refused to be confined by imaginary borders, ignored the metadigital limits of this universe, and instead chose something different. We chose Pakistan.

We made this choice, not to offend, neither to insult, any previously existing belief. We made it to escape the boundaries of the "real world". To show you all that this world can be perfect, as it was intended to be. This world was not created by any god other than Dio. It was create by no man, other than Dio. The eRepublik team did not create what we are now eLiving in. They only gave us the wireframe. We, the people, were supposed to fill it with all the good, all the drama, all the emotions that we currently have.

We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio.

Did god create this virtual landscape? No. Did Allah create these metaphysical personas? No. Did any ancient Buddha, any old world prophet, any old deity, create what we call The New World?

The answer, my friends, my brothers, my sisters, to these questions, is "No".

A more important question would be: "Should we fight each other over these questions?"

"Should we force our beliefs upon others? Should we judge other, not by their actions, but by their beliefs?"

All these questions have the same answer. And I regret the fact that a lot of people would give me the wrong answer.

This is a call of arms. A call of arms for peace, to love and live together. A call of arms to flood the streets with love or light or heat, whatever. This is an ever-resonating message, which every guru, every prophet and every god has echoed throughout the ages, but most have failed to hear.

This is the message of Peace. Peace through harmony, Peace through love. Always.

This article is dedicated to Abu Zar, who recently inspired me, and Abdul Yusuf, who will never cease to inspire me.

May the love of Dio be with you, forever.

Heed his words, Exodus, they are of great wisdom.

I know that there are complaints about the other party's actions from both sides, and I'd like to help us all clear the air. If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact me by sending a message to my citizen account and I'll try to look at the situation in an unbiased manner, as your Vice President.

To conclude, I'd like to share with you a vision I have for the Holy Empire