United Slavs Presidential Nomination

Day 560, 15:52 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jan Khysl

Attention all United Slav party members:

Two days from now the Czech Republic will be holding another presidential elections. So far, two candidates have come forward, Franz Kafka (the incumbent) who is supported Nezavislost and Jura52 the former Minister of Foreign Affairs who is backed by the Czech Right Union and Ceska liberale.

As of now, the United Slavs are the only party not to have endorsed a candidate. As the second largest and one of the most active parties in Czech politics, it is likely that our endorsement could mean victory or defeat for the two candidates who have already been nominated.

All members of the United Slavs are encouraged to send a PM to me endorsing one of the two candidates already nominated or supporting the nomination of a third candidate (name them if you do). In order for your vote to count you must have been a member of the United Slavs for at least the last couple days (so as to prevent people changing parties to vote).

Vote quickly as in 24 hours the United Slavs will put forth their official candidate for the presidency of the Czech Republic.