United Slavs Congressmen

Day 432, 01:21 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen of the Czech Republic. My name is Ivan Hat and I am the United Slavs Party President. The party of our nation's President, as well as many President's before him. I am here to promote our party's candidates this election. For a financially conservative nation who puts nation first over foreign companies choose our candidates. For a politically neutral nation who upholds international standards against war and oppression, the United Slavs congressmen are your choice. If you wish to continue and improve the quality of our nation, CHOOSE OUR CANDIDATES.

The following citizens and congressmen are up for election. Vote for us TODAY.

From Northern Bohemia
Ivan Hat
Jan Khysl

From Southern Bohemia

and Finally From Moravia
Franz Kafka

Make the right decision today and vote for your local United Slavs Candidate!