United Independents Party - Get Active!

Day 451, 10:17 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

Unless some Romanian finds a way to hack his way on to the ballot tomorrow, it looks like I will be the new UIP party president. I will take this position with great honor and blah blah blah... 😛 Haha, I won't bore you all with that speech just yet, I'll wait 'til Sunday. What I really wanted to let you all know in this article is how easy it is to become a contributing member to this party.

- The Forums -

There's the link if you don't already have it. The Forums And there it is again if you didn't already click it the first time. The boards have been much more active this past week and I appreciate the effort by our already active members. But I'm becoming a little depressed because I never see any new faces posting on them. If any of you guy/ladies have ever asked yourself how you can gain rank in the political arena, this is the easiest way to do it. All you have to do is put yourself out there and you will get noticed, I guarantee it. I've already begun taking cabinet member applications and still have plenty of spots available. As I stated on the forum, all you have to do is state your name and prove to me that you can write in complete sentences.

- IRC -

Click that link, type in your name, then type "/join #uip" and you'll be good to go. Other than Jewitt we are all friendly people and would more than love to have you contributing to our channel. IRC There's the link again if you missed it the first time.