Unfrozen Caveman Two-Clicker

Day 4,073, 11:35 Published in USA Ireland by Tacitus Arkenseale

So I reactivated some time last month and took a gander at me ol' friends list. It was like a graveyard of the grand and glorious, Emerick, Publius, Bogdan L, Gongawz, Harrison Richardson, AidenAstrup, Robert Loggia, JasonAlwaysReady, Max MacFarland, Eugene Harlot, Yang Wenli, Jack Flufferton, Gaius Julius, Scrabman, Claire Littleton, Dania, Jasper Ferguson...and the infamous, Longbaugh, ShadowUKCS, and dozens of others I can't quite place. Not my friends as such but on my friends list. (Protip to newbs, befriend a lot of big players all over the world so your friends feed is useful, full, and interesting).

Who was left? I was glad to see Herr Vootsman and lovable goof George Barker still plugging away, still doing the good work. [Edit: And eIreland's damned lucky to have the inimitable Rainy Sunday on side these days!]

Things do seem to have changed globally. Sort of. Hungary and Romania switched sides. Is that it? Israel, too? Taiwan, Canada? The Scandinavian powerhouses seem to have disappeared altogether. And now FYROM is a thing? Sure it is.

I remember the first time America was wiped, or just about. Emerick got us out by tricking the Portuguese. Remember them? Then an effective and coordinated alliance system (and hugely different war mechanics) helped us liberate the whole country.

And even then there were opportunists trying to sow dissent in their own countries to make a space for themselves. But, you know, that's just a different way to play. If you like the politics more than the fighting or the commerce then why not? It's not my bag but it's a way to play the game and it keeps some people more engaged and involved than they might otherwise be.

Anyhoo, that's about it for now. Maybe next time tales from the old Seal Team Six and it's shady PTO work overseas (you think I got elected to the American congress? Ha!).

So leave an abusive comment and let's rock and roll!