Unfortunate Events {Iran Edition}

Day 545, 14:18 Published in Iran Saudi Arabia by voice

It is a sad period, and very unfortunate events, that happened lately in Asia and threatens the peace and calm in the region.

Israeli government decided to abandon the road to peace, and to pursue the path of violence and terrorism.

This day that will live in infamy, the eIsraeli regime made a heinous terror attack on a friendly and peaceful nation, eTurkey. an Attack that can lead the region into chaos.

I, here, call the rational and free eIsraelis to revoke the regime of Sadeh Badeh, and to bring into power a government that works for eIsraeli's interests and their hard-won country. A government, that will not jeopardize what eIsrael had achieved for the selfish interests of few. A government that will bring peace and stability to the region.

Know, dear friends, that this action is aimed only to divert the PEACE pressure on eRomania. The Atlantis allliance is busy in eRomania, divided between eGermany, and eSweden. Even Scrabman, presdient of US is considering the viability of Atlantis

I hope that the wise people from both sides will hear the voice of reason and peace, and will return back to table.

for PEACE, for eTurkey, for eIsrael free and peaceful.