Unethical Political Practices Revealed!

Day 329, 17:49 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Tecchi

"Heated political debate between the two major political rivals PCP and UKRP have stepped up a notch this week. Tecchi, Editor of The Hellfish Chronicle reports:"
There has been quite alot of political slander between parties these past few weeks. The main two being PCP and UKRP. However, just before the V1 release, posts from a private PCP party forum topic (The Peoples Initiative) were leaked by an alleged PCP spy and UKRP lapped up their chance to use it as a propagandist tool against the enemy.
Some would say "such is the workings of Politics, opposition trying to find slander on eachother". This is true, in Real Life. eRepublik is not Real Life. This malicious act to intentionally harm the reputation of the PCP party and gain more supporters for UKRP is indeed a precedent for Politics in eUK and I, and many others of the eUK community, have deemed such actions as completely Unethical.
Widdows, and PCP leader Stan Wephen, have called for party unity within the PCP and have urged its members not to publicly accuse suspects of betrayal. Drastic, necessary, measures have been taken by the Peoples Initiative to improve their security to moving their discussions to a private forum. I assure all readers of the Hellfish Chronicle that only bad things can come from this, our friendly, open, eUK forums have been transformed into a hostile, unsafe one where organisations are afraid to discuss their policies and are forced to move elsewhere. 
Acts such as this is breaking up the eUK community, which is now breaking up into smaller groups which raises deep concerns for the future. 
Tecchi, Editor of the Hellfish Chronicle