
Day 197, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"The General Manager from Hot Cross Buns company has decided to fire you!."

The way that Hot Cross Buns acts is nice and clear... I understand that going for upgrade is important, but employees are also.. why not to explain the reason of firing? (Anyway mr.brodie is not a guy to make him feel ashamed.) She came with complaint to me as Mayor of e-Liverpool.. there's not much I can do about it, just to ask the companies to act honesty with their employees in the future...

Attention GMs who have more respect to their employees... [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-206442.html]Markusa[/a] is looking for job, she has the following skills:

Food - 3.85
Weapons - 3.25
Works - daily

The CV is posted and made public... feel free to contact her with job offers.

Thanks in advance.
Mayor of e-Liverpool,