Understanding eUS Class Structure

Day 1,164, 01:02 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze

So the term “elite” has been thrown around for sometime now, in newspapers and on the eUS Forums, which spawns discussions on class in eRepublik society. But how should we image our class structure and are the classifications valid? Is it bipolar, such that there are only “elites” and “non-elites?” Or is it something more complex, such has having divisions between the politicians, soldiers, and workers (though many citizens play multiple roles)? Well after some thought, this structure may be appropriate.

This is a graphical representation of George Orwell’s society in Nineteen Eighty-Four, a structure with three distinct pieces and of course Big Brother. Now, how does this structure relate to eRepublik society? Well let’s look at each piece.

The Proles:

Off to work!

The Proles in Orwell’s work are the bottom of society and the largest segment of the population. In eRepublik, we refer to them as “2-clickers.” They are definitely here and contribute to society mostly through working in companies and occasionally fighting in wars, but they have a limited voice. They are essential for keep the nation running through taxes, but may not benefit from government programs to the fullest extent. For some, the treatment of the Proles is a travesty, for others it is a necessity.

The Outer Party:

They dress nice.

The Outer Party in Orewell’s work was like the middle-class, full of government bureaucrats and other professionals. For eRepublik, they are our businessmen, Congressmen, military officers and soldiers, militiamen, and newspaper writers. They have more presence in how the nation is run, but to not necessarily make all the key decisions, rather they make sure there are jobs for the Proles, orders are followed, and the government is secure. The members fluctuate, sometimes rising up to the Inner Party or sometimes fading away into the masses of Proles. eLife here can be comfortable, but keeping interested in the work can be the greatest challenge.

The Inner Party:

Big guys with big ideas. Notice how some wear lots of medals.

When some use the term “elite,” they just might be referring to this segment of society (though some in the Outer Party may also be termed “elite” if the user decides to). These are the guys who make the big decisions. They are Presidents (current and/or former), members of the Executive, economic experts, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, among a few others. Reaching this point in society seems to take a lot of dedication, but may also be achieved through knowing the right people or by accomplishing something exceptional. In Orwell’s work, the members of the Inner Party are groomed from a young age, which might be possible in our society as well.

The Inner Party has a great presence throughout the media and elsewhere and their opinions are carefully listened to. Moving out of the Inner Party seems impossible given the exposure and rather than degrading into a lower class, the members seem to become legends or heroes in society when they eventually fade from active life. Of course, the challenge in this part of society is the careful watch of your peers.

Now, if I had to choose a Big Brother, it could only be the Admin/Plato itself.

But unlike Orwell’s Big Brother, the Admin does allow a fair amount of freedom for the people and if all else fails we can speak freely on our own forums. Fortunately, unlike Nineteen Eight-Four, we do have a more mobile society and if you are reading this, you may already be one your way to a higher class of society.

(Of course, any comments and criticism of this model are welcomed, just thought it would be fun to put it out there.)